Sunday, January 09, 2005

OzComics Magazine 6 and 7, oh and 8 too

I'll probably cross post this at Pulp Factionas well, but here's some news on Ozcomics 6. The issue is slowly coming together, i had planned to get it out last month before Xmas but i got busy. Now it should be out by Valentine's Day (for you single people, that Feb 14th).
I've got a whole bunch of Reviews from Ian T, the round table interview with Jase Harper, Aaron Burgess and Avi Bernshaw is coming along nicely. I have cool interview with Phosphorescent Comics head honcho and guru Ben Howard. I'm looking forward to recieving a new comic from the Foolproof crew and what should be an interesting article from Liz Argall about Eclectica Press. Plus more of course.

But now I'm thinking about issue 7, which will be Part 2 of the complete guide to self publishing, following issue 3. It seems Issue 3 wasn't that complete after all. So what else do people want to know about making comics?
So far I'm thinking about including articles about;

  • on writing comics

  • publicising your comics

  • getting quotes from printers

  • cover design

but what else do people want to know? For those self publishers out there what else SHOULD people know?

Also Issue 8 will most likely be my last before i go and do something else. It should be out middle of July, probably mainly consist of comics showcasing the diversity of Australian Comics. Who should be included? I'm more interested in creators that have a backlog of material and who are continuing to publish. Any ideas?

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