Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Nominate, don't hibernate

And now the end is near...


Dirty Little Creep - Mandy Ord

World's Away - David Kerr

Bloom - Matt Huynh

You stink and I don't - Ben Hutchings

Sensitive Little Creatures - Mandy Ord

So close
Domino Joe - Matt Huynh
Tales of a Hobartian Life- Leigh Rigozzi

None of these titles are new to this blog, so explanations are kind of unnecessary but that's never stopped me before.

The Mandy Ord books give this great portrait of who the main character is, especially 'Dirty Little Creep', a view of a person's weaknesses and strengths which is always voyeuristically intriguing. "You stink and I Don't" and most of what Ben Hutchings does just makes me laugh - guaranteed. 'Bloom' is so out there and creative while being technically solid it needs recognition. 'World's Away' use of familiar narrative structure is not something new but David does it so well, its well worth it.

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