Thursday, August 24, 2006

The ranting

Nothing fills me with more dread, with more desire to kill myself and those around me than
"Oh i had the wierdest dream last night!"

No! it was weird? Seriously ! A weird dream? Get outta 'ere! No. Seriously get the fuck out of here!
I don't care.
I'd rather read poetry from 14 year olds then have to listen to a story punctuated with "and then", "and then", "and then".
I'd rather listen to new mums talk about their offspring's bowel movements while eating nougat then have to put up with some bullshit boring dream that is neither interesting nor relevant except to you and your "psyche".


The Frase said...

Whats ALMOST as bad is listening to peoples drug stories...

Anonymous said...

What if the dream involves you nekkid?