Friday, February 18, 2005

click with love

There's something cool about finding cool stuff, something you know has some sort of history or mysterious past.
"How did this get here? Who's Ron, did he get what he wanted? Will I get wanted I want? Damn missed my train"

On a similar note

is great more explicit view into other people's lives. Infidelity, jealousy, greed, embarrassing toilet behaviour - voyuerism heaven.

These are the people in my neighbourhood

I have no recollection of this song but it's a great idea. I'm way to self conscious to take photos of my friends let alone of strangers. The idea is to print off the lyrics to a sesame street song and get photos of people holding the lyrics up.

Meet Chad Schmidt

Brad Pitt has made very few good films (Ocean's 11, Fight Club and se7ev) the rest are watchable carried by force of charisma. This actually sounds like it could be a very funny film and for some reason i'm visualising Brad in a mullet. But I'm easily amused.

Hulk Blog!

this started before the movie came out, it stopped for awhile but started again middle of last year. I think its genius.

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