Friday, April 07, 2006

unsure shot

lessons learned, when doing out the layout make sure half your page count is an even number otherwise when you print it out you have a nice double page spread of emptiness


Anonymous said...

The only plus would be that the artist can sign nice and big, and draw a sketch on these pages - unless it's the whole run...

Thanks for the tip - I know absolutely nothing about layout programs, which is one reason I haven't published anything yet.

G said...

the general rule is to keep the page count divisble by 4. since traditionally, printers used to use "signatures" (2 pages each side of a printed page/piece of paper = 4 pages).

however, these days printers can let you have half a signature, so you can have a 22 page count. though i've never had anything printed in this fashion, i'd imagine they just glue/stick or have some sort of a larger margin for staples on that half signature?

Mark Selan said...

iant - i like the empty sketch page, and i was going to put one in one of the later ozcomic magazines when i couldn't think of how to fill it. but it felt cheap and dirty

g - luckily it was a test print at work. even luckier is that there are two pages i can remove. i'm hoping you may have something to submit some day

hayden - should be ready for supanova