Thursday, April 28, 2005

Egads - my real name

As I write this, at home, on my home computer, as i always do, in my own time, I must mention that i was googled today by work colleagues.

Now i should have considered, as i am doing now, at home, not at work, that since i work in a web based industry, with web saavy people, that eventually they would google me, especially since next week they are interviewing me for a job (a brilliant government system where you have to interview for your own job periodically).

It was brought to my attention that I won a Ledger.
Well I did, supporting Australian comic books, in my own time and NOT using government networks or bandwith, but my own at home. Sure some posts here and other places may be time stamped within office hours buts thats because of differing time zones, because i always post at home, on my computer, in my own time, not at work.

And when i'm on MSN, i'm chatting with designers and programmers. Learning, because professional development is really important. Yes. Really important.

So i'm logging off now, off my home computer, because i have to catch a bus, i mean, cook dinner.

(look at the time its 8pm)


Anonymous said...

Oh dude.



Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me the other day. The correct response is "I don't discuss this stuff at work as I think it's important for my professional credibility to keep these parts of my life separate," without adding "YOU STALKER!" or "GET A LIFE!" on the end.