Monday, September 08, 2008

Graphic Novels are about.....

Relating back to my posts about what I think a Graphic Novel is(Graphic Novels are comics with levels, they say something more than the plot); Comics Reporter gathers abunch of people to talk about what Watchmen is about. It provides viewpoints about Watchmen which concentrate too much on the metatextual but that's ok. Mainly it shows that wisdom of the crowd which should be evident when defining a graphic novel.


Anonymous said...

It is a toughy to summarize such an involved graphic novel. The other critically acclaimed novel, The Dark Knight Returns, I could sum up "Batman is older", but Watchmen, I tried to sum up here.

Mark Selan said...

Shawn - i think Dark Knight Returns is alot more interesting when you look at it against comics and superheroes. Batman as a stand in for comics, tired and bored having done the same thing for essentially 40 years (in "canon" Batman started punching bad guys when he's in his twenties, in DKR he's 60ish- when DKR superhero comics had been around for 40ish years as well).

So its Miller just trying to shake things up and consequently starting the whole dark and gritty thing that coloured all comics for the last 20 years.

Its even more of a theme when you look at Dark Knight Strikes Again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this nice post.